Q-Chem 6.0 Features
We are pleased to present the sixth major release of the Q-Chem ab inito quantum chemistry software package, Q-Chem 6.0. Highlights in our new package include:
Next-generation interface with external tools (generation of archive files in the HDF5 format)
New geometry optimizer for ground and excited state calculations
Analytic frequency calculations and orbital Hessians with the VV10 functional (Jiashu Liang)
Developments in the nuclear-electronic orbital (NEO) family of methods, including NEO-CCSD and analytical gradients and Hessians for NEO-TDDFT (Zhen (Coraline) Tao, Patrick E. Schneider, Fabijan Pavosevic, Sharon Hammes-Schiffer)
CCSD optical rotation evaluation (Josefine Andersen, Kaushik Nanda)
Projection-based embedding with complex basis functions (Valentina Parravicini, Thomas Jagau)
Complex-valued CC2, RI-CC2, and RI-CCSD (Cansu Utku, Garrette Paran, Thomas Jagau)
EOM oscillator strengths in velocity and mixed gauges (Josefine Andersen, Sonia Coriani)
Pairwise fragment excitation energy decomposition analysis (EDA) in QM/EFP calculations (Lyudmila Slipchenko)
...and many more! Visit the release log on our website for a full list.
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