About Our Developer Community
Since 1993, Q-Chem, Inc. has provided commercial, academic and government scientists worldwide with high-quality quantum chemistry software, allowing them to solve computational problems quickly and accurately. Our open-teamware approach allows research groups from all across the globe to contribute their code to Q-Chem. Recent additions from our developers include ongoing development in our suite of Nuclear-Electronic Orbital methods, including real-time and multi-state NEO methods; Natural Auger Orbitals; and SF-EOM-CCSDT. With a well-structured and rigorously-tested code base, Q-Chem offers an appealing platform for developing fast and efficient code.
Are you interested in adding new functionality to Q-Chem? To apply to become a developer, or to request more details, contact support@q-chem.com. New developers will be asked to obtain a Q-Chem license, and they must sign a non-disclosure agreement pledging to respect the intellectual property of other developers.
Becoming A Q-Chem Developer
Access to the Q-Chem code and developer services is conditional on an individual:
- being a current member of a research group with an unlimited-core QMP entitlement, and
- having signed the latest version of the Q-Chem non-disclosure agreement (NDA).
At the sole discretion of the Q-Chem Board, the QMP subscription fee will be waived if a group is determined to have made a significant contribution to the code.
Meet Our Developer Community
Q-Chem's developer community is active, well-established, and constantly growing, with over 100 active members in 9 countries. A list of research groups who are currently developing code in Q-Chem, or have done so in the past, can be found below. A complete list of contributors can be found in the Q-Chem 5 paper citation.

Statistics of Q-Chem developer activity since 2006. Top chart: Total number of code commits (height of bars) and number of developers contributing (color of bar) by month. Bottom chart: Growth of developer base, showing existing and new developers each month. A steady growth of the developer base can be seen. The inset depicts the total number of commits by the 50 most-prolific developers.
Eric Berquist
Evgeny Epifanovsky
Xintian Feng
Andrew Gilbert
Shannon Houck
Jing Kong
Fenglai Liu
Kuan-Yu Liu
Peter McLaughlin
Emil I. Proynov
Fazle Rob
Zhi-Qiang You
Yu Zhang
Alán Aspuru-Guzik
Thomas Markovich
Alexis T. Bell
Yi-Pei Li
Nicholas A. Besley
Hainam Do
Magnus W. D. Hanson-Heine
Ksenia B. Bravaya
James Gayvert
Alexander Kunitsa
Bernard R. Brooks
David Casanova
Abel Carreras
Jeng-Da Chai
Po-Tung Fang
Kerwin Hui
You-Sheng Lin
Shan-Ping Mao
Yu-Chuan Su
Sonia Coriani
Marta L. Vidal
Josefine H. Andersen
Christopher J. Cramer
Aleksandr V. Marenich
György Cserey
Ádám Jász
Gergely Kis
István Ladjánszki
Ádám Rák
Gábor J. Tornai
A. Eugene DePrince III
Laura Koulias
Run R. Li
Marcus Liebenthal
Robert A. DiStasio Jr.
Andreas Dreuw
Adrian L. Dempwolff
Felix Plasser
Dirk R. Rehn
Phillip H. P. Harbach
Michael F. Herbst
Manuel Hodecker
Caroline M. Krauter
Daniel Lefrancois
Arne Luenser
Jan-Michael Mewes
Stefanie A. Mewes
Alexander C. Paul
Stefan Prager
Maximilian Scheurer
Matthias Schneider
Jan Wenzel
Barry D. Dunietz
Khadiza Begam
Qingguo Feng
Nickolai Sergueev
Atsushi Yamada
Shirin Faraji
Maximilian F. S. J. Menger
Thomas R. Furlani
Gergely Gidofalvi
Peter M. W. Gill
Simon C. McKenzie
Jia Deng
William A. Goddard III
Sharon Hammes-Schiffer
Fabijan Pavošević
Matthias Schneider
Zhen Tao
Martin Head-Gordon
Abdulrahman Aldossary
Andrew Behn
Kristina D. Closser
Romit Chakraborty
Qinghui Ge
Matthew Goldey
Joe Gomes
Diptarka Hait
Paul R. Horn
Susi Lehtola
Daniel S. Levine
Joonho Lee
Keith V. Lawler
Jiashu Liang
Matthias Loipersberger
Yuezhi Mao
Narbe Mardirossian
Erum Mansoor
Sam F. Manzer
Katherine J. Oosterbaan
Eloy Ramos-Cordoba
Adam Rettig
Elliot Rossomme
David W. Small
Christopher J. Stein
Eric J. Sundstrom
Jonathan Thirman
Srimukh Prasad Veccham
Alec F. White
Jon Witte
Shane R. Yost
Teresa Head-Gordon
Warren J. Hehre
Phil Klunzinger
John M. Herbert
Marc P. Coons
Leif D. Jacobson
Adrian W. Lange
Jie Liu
Adrian F. Morrison
Ying Zhu
Bushra Alam
Kevin Carter-Fenk
Zachary C. Holden
Ka Un Lao
Suranjan K. Paul
Bhaskar Rana
Ryan M. Richard
Mary Rohrdanz
Christopher F. Williams
Xing Zhang
Saswata Dasgupta
Chao-Ping Hsu
Karl Kue
Hung-Hsuan Lin
Aaditya Manjanath
Thomas-C. Jagau
Mario Hernández Vera
Zsuzsanna Koczor-Benda
Garrette Paran
Yousung Jung
Hyunjun Ji
Jaehoon Kim
Andreas Klamt
Michael Diedenhofen
Anna I. Krylov
Pavel Pokhilko
Ilya Kaliman
Yves A. Bernard
Marc de Wergifosse
Sahil Gulania
Maxim Ivanov
Sven Kähler
Kirill Khistyaev
Thomas Kus
Arie Landau
Prashant Manohar
Wojciech Skomorowski
Dmitry Zuev
Benjamin J. Albrecht
WanZhen Liang
Xunkun Huang
Nicholas J. Mayhall
Tim Neudecker
Tarek Scheele
C. William McCurdy
Jeffrey B. Neaton
Christian Ochsenfeld
Jörg Kussmann
Simon A. Maurer
John A. Parkhill
Triet Friedhoff
Joong Hoon Koh
Kun Yao
Roberto Peverati
Pierpaolo Morgante
J. Wayne Mullinax
Vitaly A. Rassolov
Yihan Shao
Zheng Pei
Shaama M. Sharada
Lyudmila V. Slipchenko
Dimitri Kosenkov
Ryan P. Steele
Joseph E. Subotnik
Ethan Alguire
Vishikh Athavale
Nicole Bellonzi
Vale Cofer-Shabica
Shervin Fatehi
Alex J. W. Thom
Alexandre Tkatchenko
Dennis Barton
Donald G. Truhlar
Troy Van Voorhis
Benjamin Kaduk
Tim Kowalczyk
Takashi Tsuchimochi
Oleg Vydrov
Sina Yeganeh
Tomasz A. Wesolowski
Cristina E. González-Espinoza
Alexander Zech
K. Birgitta Whaley
Norm M. Tubman
H. Lee Woodcock III
Igor Ying Zhang
Paul M. Zimmerman
Alan D. Chien
Hanjie Jiang
Alan E. Rask
Sebastian Ehlert