Q-Chem Quote Request
Please make selections below to see an estimated licensing fee. Fill in the fields and submit the form to receive an official quote from us. We will get in touch with you by email to discuss your situation. Shopping around? Need a quote for a grant proposal? No problem! This is a no-obligation quote. We always offer our best price.
What to consider?
Who will be running the software? A single research group license covers one principal investigator and their group members. Two-group licenses cover multiple research groups or large groups with multiple principal investigators. The departmental license covers all research groups within a single department at a university or college. The site license covers all research groups on campus.
How and where the software will be run? The single-seat license is designed to be used on a single standalone workstation with up to 32 cores. The cluster license is intended to be used on smaller clusters with up to 256 cores. The unlimited license is best suited for larger computer clusters or a larger number of individual workstations. Separate license are required for installing Q-Chem on machines at multiple sites (i.e. machines not owned by the organization that owns the machine on which Q-Chem was first installed for a given license entitlement); however, subsequent licenses are heavily discounted.