Congratulations to Marta Lopez Vidal: The 2021 Michael Wormit Award Winner!
March 3rd, 2021
Q-Chem is pleased to announce that Marta Lopez Vidal has been awarded the 2021 Michael Wormit Award!

Q-Chem is pleased to announce that Marta Lopez Vidal has been chosen as a recipient of the 2021 Michael Wormit Award, on the basis of her scientific innovation, her wealth of exciting new ideas, her impressive code development, and the breadth of her contributions to Q-Chem's infrastructure and to the Q-Chem developers' community.
The Michael Wormit award was established to recognize excellence in the development of new methods and algorithms in the area of electronic structure and implementing these methods in state-of-the-art computer codes within the Q-Chem open-teamware community project. The award, which is given annually, includes a certificate and a $500 prize. It commemorates the contributions of Dr. Michael Wormit who is remembered for his state-of-the-art developments of many-body methods, for his leadership in the community, for his educating and mentoring of junior team members, and for his many contributions to our software development infrastructure. It is a prestigious honor that serves to recognize the best of the best within our developers' community.
In light of the ongoing COVID-19 developments and travel restrictions, the Michael Wormit award reception will be held online in the near future, at which event Marta will give a scientific presentation. Congratulations, Marta!