Q-Chem Webinar 55
Special Webinar Event - Teaching with Q-Chem

Presented by Prof. Kristi Closser, Prof. Shirin Faraji, Dr. Andrew Gilbert, and Prof. Anna Krylov on
Kristi Closser, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, California State University, Fresno
Shirin Faraji, Professor of Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, University of Groningen
Andrew Gilbert, Research Scientist, Q-Chem; IQmol developer
Anna Krylov, Professor of Chemistry, University of Southern California
Q-Chem expert panelists will share tips on using Q-Chem in the classroom:
- What is Q-Chem and IQmol?
- The Q-Chem Resources for Teaching Support
- Q-Chem in Action:
- Undergraduate Teaching
- Graduate-Level Courses
- A Collection of Computational Labs for All Levels
Supporting Material

Questions or suggestions?
We hope you enjoyed this webinar! If you have any questions or feedback for the speaker or the Q-Chem team on the topics covered in this webinar, please use this forum thread:talk.q-chem.com/t/special-webinar-event-teaching-with-q-chem/407.