Q-Chem 6.2 Is Now Available!
May 6th, 2024

Q-Chem is pleased to announce the release of Q-Chem 6.2. A wide variety of new features have been added, including new methods for modeling Auger decay, several new features related to X-ray spectroscopy (such as the DFT/CIS semi-empirical method), a variety of new NEO methods (including real-time NEO approaches, multistate NEO, SCS-RIMP2, and SOS-OOMP2), and many more! For a full list of new features and bugfixes, please review the official Q-Chem 6.2 release log here.
Users with a current QMP subscription, or who have purchased 6.0 or 6.1 with a free 6.2 upgrade, may install Q-Chem 6.2 free of charge using the instructions here. Otherwise, you can request a no-obligation quote here.
Would some of the new features be helpful in one of your research projects? Why not give it a test run? Customers who wish to take advantage of our free one-month, full-featured trial license can request a demo here!