Announcing the Q-Chem 6.1 Release
July 10th, 2023

Q-Chem is pleased to announce the release of Q-Chem 6.1. A variety of new features have been added, including force decomposition analysis, improvements to our new geometry optimizer, vibronic circular dichroism (VCD) spectra, decompositions of vibronic spectra, PCM solvent effects for nuclear-electronic orbital (NEO) calculations, RI-CC2-EOM-SF, EA, and IP, and many more!
For a full list of new features and bugfixes, please review the official Q-Chem 6.1 release log here.
Users with a current QMP subscription, or who have purchased 6.0 with a free 6.1 upgrade, may install Q-Chem 6.1 free of charge. Otherwise, you can request a no-obligation quote here.
Would some of the new features be helpful in one of your research projects? Why not give it a test run? Customers who wish to take advantage of our free two-month, full-featured trial license can request a free two-month demo here!