Q-Chem Developer Joonho Lee Appointed as Assistant Professor at Harvard University
May 25th, 2022

Congratulations to Q-Chem developer Joonho Lee on his appointment as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University! Joonho has made many significant contributions to Q-Chem over the years, including orbital-optimized MP2 methods, CCVB-SD methods for handling strong correlation, and periodic DFT. He has also done significant work to make Q-Chem's core infrastructure more modular and easy to use for other developers.
The Lee research group will focus on developing computational methods for studying a variety of chemical systems, with a particular interest in modeling periodic systems, quantum algorithms, electrocatalysis, and perovskites. For more information on his appointment, please click here.
Congratulations, Joonho!