Call for Nominations: 2022 Nick Besley Award
November 1st, 2021

We are now accepting nomination submissions for the 2022 Nick Besley Award. This award recognizes excellence in the development or application of new methods for computational spectroscopy in the Q-Chem open-teamware community project. The award, which is given annually, includes a certificate and a $500 prize. It commemorates the contributions of Prof. Nick Besley, who is remembered for his multi-faceted contributions to excited-state theory and methodology, with particular emphasis on the prediction and rationalization of X-ray spectra.
For more information about eligibility and selection criteria, please visit Nominations should be sent to with the subject "Besley Award Nomination" by January 15, 2022. The award winner will be announced soon thereafter, with the intention of recognizing the winner with a reception at an event or conference later next year.