Upgrade Today: Q-Chem 5.3.2 is Released!
December 10th, 2020
Version 5.3.2 has just been released.

Q-Chem is pleased to introduce our latest release, Q-Chem 5.3.2. Its improved performance means that your computational work will run more efficiently so you can be more productive. The Q-Chem 5.3 release log contains a complete list of improvements in the software.
Any of our customers who have purchased Q-Chem 5.3 are eligible for this upgrade, free of charge. Update your software today!
If you do not have a Q-Chem 5.3 license, request a free trial license now.
Top Reasons to Use Q-Chem:
- Q-Chem is one of the most full-featured quantum chemistry packages. It is under active development by the most reputable research groups in the field.
- It runs fast, thanks to our aggressively fine-tuned electron integral and DFT algorithms.
- No need to pay extra for a visualization package. Q-Chem has seamless integration with IQmol - a modern molecular building and visualizer featuring a remote job submission capability. IQmol is free to download.
- No requirement to have additional add-on software (like Gaussian's Linda) to be able to run Q-Chem on multiple processors.
- Premium customer support by email.
- Stay on top of the latest method developments in the field. With our state-of-the-art in-house code development/management system, we are able to deliver these research achievements to our customers at the earliest time possible.